Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Christmas Special

A dear friend of mine gave me a wonderful Christmas present, so I decided I'd make her a business card for her photography business in return. Trying to create something in black and white is much more challenging than using colour, since you have to be more inventive and work with only two crayons from the box. This was a great project, since it gave me a chance to broaden my design horizons and practice my skills.

Monday, December 20, 2010

It's All About Teh Pretty!

Over the past few months, my dear friend Raven Muse has been dragging me kicking and screaming into teaching me graphic design, and I must say that I've been surprised at how much fun it is. I've always considered myself much more of a writer than a visual artist, but it's kind of like Pringles...once you pop, the fun don't stop! Lately, I've been doing graphics for Lean Dog, a wonderful artist on Etsy. Her jewellery and pottery is to DIE for, and you absolutely must go there now and check out her stuff! Since she has been gracious enough to allow me to create some graphics for her shop, I thought I'd share some of my work with you. Her stuff is absolutely gorgeous, and is just a blast to work with in graphics. Each and every piece is one of a kind, or in Etsy-speak, OOAK. So once you're done looking at my work, go gaze in awe at hers!

Lean Dog's Business Card

Lean Dog Etsy Banners